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Sztuka a krytyka etyczna. Przegląd najnowszych kierunków badań
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This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: Sztuka a krytyka etyczna. Przegląd najnowszych kierunków badań


Carroll, Noël

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Teksty Drugie Nr 1-2 (2002)


Zięba, Jan : Tł.



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21 cm

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1. J. Anderson, J. Dean, Moderate Autonomism, „British Journal of Aesthetics" 1998, 38, s. 150-166.
2. M. Beardsley, Aesthetics, New York 1958.
3. R.W. Beardsmore, The Censorship of Works of Art, w: Philosophy and Fiction, Aberdeen 1983, s. 93-107.
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13. M. Cohen, Aesthetic Essence w: Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology, New York 1977, s. 474-499.
14. G. Currie, The Moral Psychology of Fiction, „Australasian Journal of Philosophy" 1995, 73, s. 250-259.
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16. G. Dickie, Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis, New York 1974.
17. G. Dickie, Evaluating Art, Philadelphia 1988.
18. R. Eldridge, „Reading for Life: Martha Nussbaum on Philosophy and Literature, „Arion" 1992, 3d ser., 2.1, s. 187-197.
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20. B. Gaut, The Ethical Criticism of Art w: Aesthetics and Ethics, Cambridge 1998a, s. 182-203.
21. B. Harrison, Inconvenient Fictions: Literature and the Limits of Theory, Conn 1991.
22. D. Hume, Of the Standard of Taste w: Selected Essays, Oxford 1993, s. 133-154.
23. D. Jacobson, In Praise of Immoral Art, „Philosophical Topics" 1997, 25, s. 155-199.
24. M. Kieran, Art, Imagination, and the Cultivation of Morals, „Journal of Aesthetics" 1996, 54, s. 337-351.
25. P. Lamarque, S. H. Olsen Truth, Fiction and Literature, Oxford 1994.
26. P. McCormick, Moral Knowledge and Fiction, „Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism" 1982, 41, s. 399-410.
27. I. Murdoch, Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, London 1992.
28. I. Murdoch, The Sovereignty of the Good, London 1970; polski przekład Prymat dobra, Kraków 1996.
29. D. Novitz, Knowledge, Fiction and Imagination, Philadelphia 1987.
30. M. Nussbaum, Exactly and Responsibly: A Defense of Ethical Criticism, „Philosophy and Literature" 1998, 22, s. 343-365.
31. M. Nussbaum, Poetic Justice: The Imagination and Public Life, Boston 1996.
32. F. Palmer, Literature and Moral Understanding: A Philosophical Essay on Ethics, Aesthetics, Education and Culture, Oxford 1992.
33. J. Passmore, Serious Art, La Salle, Ill 1991.
34. H. Putnam, Literature, Science and Reflection w: Meaning and the Moral Sciences, London 1978, s. 83-96.
35. R. Scruton, Art and the Imagination: A Study in the Philosophy of Mind, London 1974.
36. D. Walsh, Literature and Knowledge, Middletown, Conn 1969.
37. K. Walton, Morals in Fiction and Fictional Morality, „Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society" 1994, suppl., vol. 68, s. 1-24.
38. C. Wilson, Literature and Knowledge, „Philosophy" 1983, 58, s. 489-496.


Teksty Drugie



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