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Title: Wieloletnie tendencje warunków klimatycznych w Szymbarku na podstawie wybranych wskaźników = Long-term climatic trends in Szymbark (Poland), based on selected indicators


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 90 z. 1 (2018)



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The aim of this study has been to analyse long-term (1971–2015) changes in climatic conditions in the foothills and Beskid region of the Western Carpathian Mountains (South-Eastern Poland), on the basis of selected geoindicators calculated by reference to average annual and monthly air temperatures and precipitation. Climatic conditions were analysed for the Szymbark Research Station of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IGSO PAS). Average daily air temperature and daily amounts of precipitation were referred to. The average annual temperature over the 45 years (1971–2015) was 8.1°C. The annual temperature ranged from 6.3°C (1980) to 9.9°C (2014). In the multi-year period analysed, there was an increase in the average annual temperature of about 0.4°C/10 years, which testifies to an intensification of continental climatic characteristics, confirming the course of and trends of two geoindicators of climate, i.e. oceanism after Marsz (Oc) and continentalism after Gorczynski (KG). This increased average annual temperature has the effect of shifting the onset of the thermal pre-winter period (5-0° C) to the end of the year, while also increasing the length of the growing season, by an average of 5 days/10 years. The multi-year period analysed has also witnessed a decrease in the number of cold months. The average annual precipitation was 834 mm (1971–2015). This contrasts with the maximum amount (of 1164 mm) noted in 1974, as well as the minimum (of 535 mm) recorded in 1982. Overall, annual rainfall increased, by 16.2 mm/10 years. However, the rainfall geoindicator (LAN) showed a downward trend due to the increased the average annual air temperature. Equally, the pluviometric geoindicator P showed an increased trend influenced by ever-greater annual amplitude of temperature. Based on the classifications of monthly temperature and precipitation, it was find an increased trend of warm and wet months, as associated with a reduced incidence of cold and dry months. The values of indicators calculated for the Szymbark Research Station in 1971–2015 are similar to those recorded in other mountainous areas in Europe.


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