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Title: Pierwsza polska wyprawa polarna na Spitsbergen = The first Polish polar expedition to Spitsbergen


Szupryczyński, Jan

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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 87 z. 1 (2015)



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24 cm

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The expedition presented here was organized by the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Tatra Society, with the participation of the Geology and Palaeontology Department of the University of Warsaw and The Army Geographical Institute. The aim of the expedition was to carry out research in the area of Torell Land, which is situated in the southern part of Spitsbergen – notably the mountain-glacial landscape between the Van Keulen Fjord in the north and the Hornsund Fjord in the south (Fig. 2). This was one of the least explored parts of Spitsbergen, if still visited by a number of expeditions, albeit working mainly in the coastal strip of land. The interior of Torell Land had thus remained unexplored. There were only seven participants on the expedition: S. Bernadzikiewicz (the leader, alpinist), S. Z. Różycki (geologist), A. R. Zawadzki (photogramist), S. B. Zagrajska (triangulator), W. Biernawski (fi lm-maker and wireless operator) and S. Siedlecki (alpinist and meteorogist). They were all good skiers, and they operated in the study area between 20 June and 23 August 1934. Topographical work and geological studies were conducted in the area. Triangulation was also carried out and photogrammetic images taken over an area of 300 km2. This work served the release of the fi rst topographic map of this area in a scale of 1:50 000. Names were also proposed for physiographic objects (mountains and glaciers). These names mostly related to Poland, and were approved subsequently by the Norwegian Polar Institute, i.e. Piłsudski Mountains, Staszic Mountains, Stanisławski Mountains, Copernicus Mountain, Curie-Skłodowska Mountain, 1934 Peak, Glacier of Poles and Amundsen Plateau (Fig. 4). Geological work was carried out over an area of about 500 km2. It resulted in the publication of a geological map on the scale 1:50 000, as well as the development of several geological profi les at 1:25 000. About 2000 photographs were also taken. Members of the expedition also climbed 25 peaks, of which most had not been ascended previously


1. Bernadzikiewicz S., 1936, Polska wyprawa polarna na Spitsbergen, Taternik, 20, Kraków, s. 159-173.
2. Gripp K., 1929, Glaziologische und geologische Ergebnisse der Hamburg Spitzbergen-Expedition 1927, Abhandlung des Naturwissenschaft Verlag zu Hamburg, 22, 2-4, Hamburg, s. 145-249.
3. Hoel A., 1929, The Norwegian Svalbard Expeditions 1906-1926, Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet, 1, Oslo.
4. Holmsen G., 1911, Spitzbergen Natur und Geschichte, Verlag Nordland, Berlin-Halensee.
5. Jackowski A., 2014, Kalendarium dziejów geografii polskiej (wybór), Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków.
6. Knothe W., 1931, Spitzbergen eine Landeskundliche Studie, Petermanns Geographisches Mitteilungen, 211, Gothe.
7. Nathorst A.G., 1909, Swedish explorations in Spitzbergen 1758-1908, Ymer, 1, Stockholm.
8. Pamiątkowa Księga Przyjaźni – Stanisław Siedlecki, 1992, K. Birkenmajer, oprac. R.W. Schramm, Poznań.
9. Różycki S.Z., 1936a, Arktyka, hasło [w:] Wielka Geografia Powszechna, 78, Warszawa, s. 1-142.
10. Różycki S.Z., 1936b, Wyprawa na Spitsbergen w 1934 roku, Przegląd Geograficzny, 15, s. 119-137.
11. Różycki S.Z., 1936c, Ziemia Torella – teren działania polskiej wyprawy polarnej 1934, Taternik, 20, Kraków, s. 173-181.
12. Różycki S.Z., 1957, Strefowość rzeźby i zjawiska peryglacjalne na Ziemi Torella (Spitsbergen), Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, 5, Łódź, s. 51-87.
13. Różycki S.Z., 1959, Budowa geologiczna północno-zachodniej części Ziemi Torella, Studia Geologica Polonica, 2, Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa.
14. Różycki S.Z., 1973, Z historii polskich wypraw na Spitsbergen, Czasopismo Geograficzne, 44, s. 139-145.
15. Siedlecki S., 1935a, Polska Wyprawa Polarna na Spitsbergen, Wierchy, 13, Kraków, s. 34-45.
16. Siedlecki S., 1935b, Wśród polarnych pustyń Svalbardu, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Książek Szkolnych, Warszawa-Lwów.
17. Stange R., 2008, Spitzbergen-Svalbard, Wissenwertes rund um die arkitische Gruppe.
18. Szupryczyński J., 1975, Eksploracje naukowe Spitsbergenu, Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu, Księga pamiątkowa TNT 1875-1975, Toruń, s. 229-246.
19. Szupryczyński J., 2007, Eksploracje Spitsbergenu, Przegląd Geograficzny, 71, 3-4, s. 567-592.
20. Szupryczyński J., 2013, Pierwsza polska wyprawa polarna, Przegląd Geograficzny, 85, 1, s. 23-160.
21. The Place-Names of Svalbard, 1942, Skrifter om Svalbard og Ishavet, 80, Oslo.
22. Topografiske kart over Svalbard 1:100 000, Blad B12 Torellbreen, 1953, Norsk Polarinstitutt.
23. Zagrajski S., 1935, Prace geodezyjne Polskiej Wyprawy na Spitsbergen w 1934 roku, Wiadomości Służby Geograficznej, 9, 1-2, Warszawa, s. 49-122.


Przegląd Geograficzny





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oai:rcin.org.pl:53541 ; 0033-2143 ; 10.7163/PrzG.2015.1.11


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Digitizing institution:

Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Central Library of Geography and Environmental Protection. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS

Projects co-financed by:

Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund



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