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Title: Okres wegetacyjny w Polsce w latach 1971-2010 = Growing seasons in Poland in the period 1971-2010


Tomczyk, Arkadiusz Marek ; Szyga-Pluta, Katarzyna

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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 88 z. 1 (2016)



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The work detailed in this article aimed to determining the multi-annual and spatial variability characterising start and end dates of growing seasons in Poland, as well as their durations. The study used data concerning monthly air temperature from the period 1971-2010, which were obtained from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB). A growing season was defined as a period of mean daily air temperature 5°C. To determine the start and end dates of the above-mentioned period, use was made of the mathematical formulae proposed by R. Gumiński (1948). Over the analysed multiannual period, first days of growing seasons were seen to occur ever earlier, while last days have been occurring later and later. The most marked changes of start date were found to characterise Łeba (4.7 days/10 years) and Suwałki (4 days/10 years). However, at 5 of the 15 stations, the changes noted achieved statistical signifi cance. The most considerable postponements of the end of the growing season were in turn those found for Łeba (3.8 days/10 years) and Rzeszów (3.6 days/10 years). At as many as 8 of the 15 stations, the prolongations proved to be significant statistically. Average durations of growing seasons varied across the range from 200 days in Suwałki to 237 days in Wrocław. However, at most (11 out of 15) of the stations, there was a statistically significant increase in the duration of the growing season (of from 3.9 to 8.5 days). However, the change was seen to be more due to prolongation at the end of the growing season than to a changed start date.


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