RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Cyfrowi przedsiębiorcy przemysłu 4.0 w przestrzeni Polski = The Geography of Digital Entrepreneurs in Industry 4.0 in Poland


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 94 z. 3 (2022)



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24 cm


The aim of the study was to identify the geography of companies offering Industry 4.0 technologies (digital entrepreneurs), and to determine the territorial potential to develop future clusters of these activities in Poland. The identification of spatial clusters was performed on the basis of a multistage procedure, using dispersed and big data sets, based on the prevailing classification codes of economic activities and location quotient. It was found that digital entrepreneurs of Industry 4.0 show a strong concentration in a small number of cities and counties, and first of all in the core cities of the largest Polish metropolises. Strong concentration is shown especially by software and engineering services, as well as companies distributing specialised machinery and equipment. The greatest prospects for development in non-metropolitan areas are displayed by suppliers of 4.0 technologies connected with production of machines and devices and dealing with their installation and integration. Heterogeneity of Industry 4.0 technologies enables individual cities and regions, on the basis of well-recognised own potential, explore different paths of local development connected with Industry 4.0 technologies.


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