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Title: Współczesne podejścia do uczestnictwa społeczności lokalnej w planowaniu przestrzeni w literaturze naukowej = A review of the scientific literature on contemporary approaches to local community participation in spatial planning


Bednarek-Szczepańska, Maria : Autor Affiliation ORCID

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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 92 z. 4 (2020)



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24 cm

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The paper is the result of a review of contemporary scientific literature on local-community participation in spatial planning. The aim of the review has been to determine those concepts which constitute the theoretical basis for studies, the areas in which the participation of a local community in planning is being examined, and the methods of involving inhabitants gaining most frequent description in the literature. The review included 96 relevant scientific articles from 2010‑2019 that are available in the Web of Science database. In practice, this literature is found to feature marked diversity when it comes to the ways in which community participation in planning is embedded theoretically. While the underpinning concepts derive mainly from the socio-political sciences, management, ecology or human geography are also represented, and reference is often made to the concept of deliberation and collaboration, as connected with the theory of communicative action. Note should also be taken of the importance of knowledge (especially lay knowledge) and learning as relatively new key concepts in the literature regarding social aspects of spatial planning. The said literature focuses on the search for new ways in which residents can be activated as regards planning, as well as ways in which they can be tested. There is therefore a prevalence of works that detail innovative initiatives by which inhabitants’ views on the space in which they function can be gained. Little attention is paid to translating the opinion and knowledge obtained from the community into planning decisions – this being an issue that researchers either ignore or treat very vaguely. This is then a significant gap in the output under analysis. The analysed works present local-community involvement in planning, mainly in urbanised areas, but also in valuable natural areas, including forests, wetlands, rivers, etc. Relatively little attention is paid to social participation in the planning of villages and small towns outside large agglomerations. It is surprising that there is very little work on grassroots community initiatives aimed at the local-level planning of space. The use of modern technologies in gauging society’s opinions and knowledge on space is what proves dominant where methodological scope is concerned. There is wide discussion of the possibilities and advantages inherent in methodology based on PPGIS and VGI.


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Central Library of Geography and Environmental Protection. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS

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Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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Last modified:

Mar 25, 2021

In our library since:

Jan 27, 2021

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