RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Szorstkość pokrycia terenu jako źródło błędu metody SfM zastosowanej do rekonstrukcji zasięgu pokrywy śnieżnej = Terrain roughness as a source of error with the SfM method applied to the reconstruction of snow cover extent


Przegląd Geograficzny T. 92 z. 3 (2020)



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A comparison between errors associated with snow-cover reconstruction performed by processing aerial imagery acquired by a visible-light camera mounted on board unmanned aerial vehicles, one the one hand; and average terrain roughness, on the other, revealed a dependent relationship between these variables. A stronger correlation is noted for two of the studied test areas (Polana Izerska and Krobica, both located in SW Poland), as opposed to the remaining site (Drożyna, SW Poland). In particular, correlations are noticeable where the analysis is performed in moving windows. It is typical for terrain where depth of snow cover is reconstructed with severe errors to reveal a high degree of roughness caused by single trees, clumps of trees or buildings. Ambiguous results are obtained for the Drożyna research field. While the character of the dependent relationship there seems consistent with results for the remaining sites, the strength is low. The lower values for the correlation coefficient were driven by observations for which errors were found to be high while values for the Topographic Ruggedness Index were at the same time low. This effect can be explained by reference to the specific nature of the area reconstructed, which is much transformed by human activity. It proves difficult to reconstruct the depth of snow cover on roads properly, as these are either partially cleared or snow or characterised by its loss in the course of melting. Low thickness of snow cover is thus found to be a constrained when it comes to the generation of accurate reconstructions of the depth of snow cover. This is in fact a finding in agreement with what has been reported by other authors.


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oai:rcin.org.pl:145846 ; 0033-2143 (print) ; 2300-8466 (on-line) ; 10.7163/PrzG.2020.3.4


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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Central Library of Geography and Environmental Protection. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS

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Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget.



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