RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Territorial disparities between mountains and lowlands in Greece in the context of post-2020 Cohesion Policy


Geographia Polonica Vol. 93 No. 3 (2020)



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24 cm

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While mountain regions face territorial disparities when set against lowlands, the EU’s post-2020 Cohesion Policy seeks to reduce such between regions by focusing on those that are most vulnerable. Along with regions that are otherwise remote, mountainous areas are mostly seen as in decline, and deprived of opportunities to achieve sustainable development. They face serious demographic issues connected closely with migration outflows, while they are characterised by low-quality educational services and a paucity of employment opportunities compared with circumstances in the lowlands. It against this background that the work detailed here was carried out to investigate inequalities between mountain and lowland areas of Greece. Specifically, the focus is on disparities in levels of education and unemployment, as well as population shifts. While the temporal frame comprises the period 2001-2011, the locality is the mountainous Municipal Unit of Ioannina, in the Region of Epirus. The findings reveal high level of inequality in all sectors of vital importance to one of the EU’s poorest regions, while the further aim of the paper id to reveal the main drivers underpinning disparities in the context of post-2020 policy.


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