RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Gis w badaniach powierzchniowych stanowisk górniczych na przykładzie kopalni krzemienia czekoladowego w Orońsku (gm. Orońsko, pow. szydłowiecki, woj. mazowieckie)


Archeologia Polski T. 62 (2017) ; GIS in surface survey of mining sites on the example of chocolate flint mines in Orońsko (Orońsko community, Szydłowiec district, mazowieckie voivodeship)


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



ill., 25 cm

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The authors present possibilities of examination and analyses performed by implementing GIS tools as used for the needs of archaeological surface survey. The research took place on the chocolate flint mining and processing sites, in the northwesternmost part of the deposits, in the Orońsko community. Information was obtained on the basis of archive, cartographic (topographic, geologic, hydrographical maps) and remote sensing data (LIDAR, aerial photos, satellite imagery), as well as by verification of surface survey, which all were compared by means of a free QGIS program, version 2.16.2. GIS software made the integration of multidimensional data possible and enhanced the efficiency of fieldwork and cabinet work


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