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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = methodology of geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = regression models] OR [Subject and Keywords = urbanization] OR [Subject and Keywords = potential evaporation] OR [Subject and Keywords = vegetation period] OR [Subject and Keywords = precipitation] OR [Subject and Keywords = methods of physiographic research] OR [Subject and Keywords = fossil reflief] OR [Subject and Keywords = ethnic differentiation] OR [Subject and Keywords = population density] OR [Subject and Keywords = Carpathians] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sudety Mountains] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = metodologia geografii] OR [Subject and Keywords = modele regresji] OR [Subject and Keywords = urbanizacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = parowanie potencjalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = okresy wegetacyjne] OR [Subject and Keywords = opady atmosferyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = wąwozy] OR [Subject and Keywords = metodyka opracowań fizjograficznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = rzeźba kopalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = gęstość zaludnienia] OR [Subject and Keywords = zróżnicowania etniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = przemysł zapałczany] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sudety] OR [Subject and Keywords = Karpaty] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 49 z. 1 \(1977\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 49 z. 1 \(1977\)]

Number of results: 4 461

Items per page:

Sawicki, Ludomir (1884–1928)


Danysz-Fleszarowa, Regina Zofia (1888–1969)


Dziewoński, Kazimierz (1910–1994) Gawryszewski, Andrzej (1939– ) Iwanicka-Lyrowa, Elżbieta Jelonek, Adam Jerczyński, Marek Węcławowicz, Grzegorz


Niedźwiedź, Tadeusz (1942– ) Orlicz, Michał Orliczowa, Jadwiga


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