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Title: Karol Hadaczek (1873–1914) and the beginnings of archaeology in universities of the North-East borderland of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy


Bulyk, Natalia ; Lech, Jacek (1946– )

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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 47 (2009-2011)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

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ill. ; 24 cm

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This article is dedicated to Karol Hadaczek (1873–1914), holder of the Chair of Classical Archaeology and Prehistory at the University of Lvov at the beginning of the twentieth century (from 1905). It depicts the scholar’s life and work, including his archaeological research and publications, and describes how archaeology evolved in universities of the North-East borderland of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Hadaczek was the author of important works on ancient goldsmithery and the two gold hoards from Michalkov. He carried out a number of noteworthy archaeological investigations, primarily in eastern Galicia (western Ukraine) and in Little Poland (western Galicia), excavating such important sites as the cremation cemetery at the village of Gać near Przeworsk (the Przeworsk culture) and the Tripolye culture settlement at Koszylovce. In 1909 Hadaczek used, for the first time, the category of archaeological culture and was the first among Polish archaeologists to do so. He committed suicide in December 1914, during the Russian occupation of the Austro-Hungarian Lemberg (Lvov).


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