  • Typ zasobu
  • Kolekcje
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  • Typ pliku
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  • Dostępność obiektu
  • Data wydania/powstania Data związana z konkretnym wydarzeniem cyklu życia zasobu.
  • Dostęp
Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "The purpose of this article is to present changes in capability and quality of human capital and to assess the impact of implementing ESF co\-financed interventions in improving the quality of human resources. An important element of the work was the genesis of research in the subject of human capital as one of the most important economic resources. For this purpose, a review of economic theories regarding the importance and role of human capital in socio\-economic development of the country and region was conducted. The areas of study comprised Northern and Western Poland and East Germany. To evaluate the quality of human capital demographic \(population growth, migration\) and social elements \(employment, economic dependency ratio, unemployment\) were considered. Conducted research allowed for identification of rural human capital growth areas and potential problem areas."]

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