Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "The purpose of this study is to clarify whether and how historical factors may play a role in shaping religious practices, along with modern urbanisation and modernisation. The analyses used unique data on attendance at Mass over the 2016\-2018 period, as counted in all 10,000 parishes in Poland. The data were analysed by historically conditioned regions, and by modern types of area as related to the intensity of urbanisation and metropolisation processes. The level of participation in religious practice is shown to be rooted historically \(embedded\) in the local environment, with the highest level characterising areas of eastern and southern Poland \(the former Galicia and Congress Kingdom\). Most regions manifest decreased participation over time where the degree of urbanisation and metropolisation goes on growing, but there remain significant differences between historically\-conditioned regions for areas with a similar degree of urbanisation, including between large cities. On this basis, a model for spatial \(historico\-geographical\) determinants of religious practices in Poland was developed, in line with analyses that represent the first detailed research into the diversity of Catholic parishes to ever be based on such a large and geographically\-detailed research sample. <br>"]

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