RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = services of general interest] OR [Subject and Keywords = policy design principles] OR [Subject and Keywords = multi\-scalar governance] OR [Subject and Keywords = top\-down and bottom\-up engagement] OR [Subject and Keywords = place\-based policy making] OR [Subject and Keywords = usługi użytku publicznego] OR [Subject and Keywords = zasady polityki] OR [Subject and Keywords = zarządzanie wieloskalowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = polityka miejscowa] OR [Title = Services of General Interest\: policy challenges and policy options] OR [Title = Services of General Interest\: policy challenges and policy options] OR [Creator = Ludlow, David] OR [Creator = Rauhut, Daniel] OR [Creator = Ludlow, David] OR [Creator = Rauhut, Daniel]

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