RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = post\-military areas] OR [Subject and Keywords = real estae management] OR [Subject and Keywords = Soviet Army] OR [Subject and Keywords = Legnica] OR [Subject and Keywords = obszary powojskowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = zarządzanie nieruchomościami] OR [Subject and Keywords = armia radziecka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Legnica] OR [Title = Zagospodarowanie nieruchomości w legnickim “Kwadracie” po wyjeździe wojsk rosyjskich = Real estete management in the Legnica „Kwadrat” following the departure of Russian forces] OR [Title = Zagospodarowanie nieruchomości w legnickim “Kwadracie” po wyjeździe wojsk rosyjskich = Real estete management in the Legnica „Kwadrat” following the departure of Russian forces] OR [Creator = Sobotka, Sławomir] OR [Creator = Sobotka, Sławomir]

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