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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = regional policy] OR [Subject and Keywords = spatial organization] OR [Subject and Keywords = paradigm of regional studies] OR [Subject and Keywords = transport geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = theories of agricultural location] OR [Subject and Keywords = spatial organization of agriculture] OR [Subject and Keywords = property structure of agriculture] OR [Subject and Keywords = types of villages] OR [Subject and Keywords = demography] OR [Subject and Keywords = France] OR [Subject and Keywords = West Pomerania] OR [Subject and Keywords = polityka regionalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = organizacja przestrzenna] OR [Subject and Keywords = paradygmat studiów regionalnych] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia transportu] OR [Subject and Keywords = teorie lokalizacji rolnictwa] OR [Subject and Keywords = organizacja przestrzenna rolnictwa] OR [Subject and Keywords = struktura własności rolnej] OR [Subject and Keywords = typy wsi] OR [Subject and Keywords = demografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Francja] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pomorze Zachodnie] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 50 z. 1 \(1978\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 50 z. 1 \(1978\)]

Number of results: 300

Items per page:

Le Pays de Bourjolly, Jean-Alexandre (1791-18.?)


Bellessort, André (1866–1942) Éditions Perrin. Wydawca


Kremling, Ernst (1901–1977) Jro-Verlag. Wydawca Niemcy. Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme. Wydawca Joh. Roth sel. Ww. Graphische Kunstanstalt (Monachium). Drukarz


Stępniak, Marcin Węcławowicz, Grzegorz Góczyńska, Magdalena Bierzyński, Adam


Baye, Joseph de (1853–1931) Nilsson, Per Lamm Successeur


Scheffel, Joseph Viktor von (1826–1886) Fendrich, Anton (1868–1949) Loti, Pierre (1850–1923) Schlözer, Kurd von (1822–1894) Kahlenberg, Hans von (1870–1957) Weltgeist-Bücher Verlags-Gesellschaft. Wydawca

[po 1913]

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