Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22The modern social%2C economic and communication flows change profoundly the development of spaces%2C their borders and boundaries%2C and affect the channels of flow between regions and the national%2C transnational and global society. The paper offers a reflection about the developments at the top of geographic and social scientific research as well as a reference to the agenda of spatial planning and politics. Therefore this article focuses on theoretical aspects of the %E2%80%9Cfluid society%E2%80%9D but emphasizes also the need to learn from empirical insights and practical issues in the context of Polish%5C-Swiss cooperation projects. It concludes however%2C that regional spaces under the auspices of modern flows are not unicoloured. That wants to say%5C: they are not passive entities of modernisation%2C but keep their manifold%2C multicoloured characteristics %E2%80%93 and these characteristics interact in the form of identities%2C cohesion and the natural backdrop with significant effects on those flows%2C enabling and steering modernisation strategies%2C and deciding about successes or failures of investments into traffic%2C tourism and economies. By that they shape the flows from and into peripheral regions.%22]

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