Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22The concept of centripetal and centrifugal forces was formally applied to the geographical sciences by Charles C. Colby in the 1930s%5C%3B and for decades%2C these terms have been key elements used in explaining the development of cities and regions. Given that geographical research treats these concepts as represented by scientific metaphors%2C the work described in this article has sought to look critically at relevant issues from the physical point of view%2C i.e. in terms of Newtonian mechanics. Although the use of these metaphors is not always found to reflect the reality characterising the observed elements in the socio%5C-economic system of a city and its surroundings%2C these may serve as an important element of explanations of %E2%80%98classical%E2%80%99 geography%2C new economic geography and Batty%E2%80%99s concept of the %E2%80%9Cnew science of cities%E2%80%9D%2C providing that certain objections are taken account of.%22]

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