Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22The aim of the research%2C conducted in the Biebrza National Park %5C(NE Poland%5C) was the development and initial validation of an innovative%2C non%5C-invasive method for estimating the biomass of peatbog vegetation using terrestrial laser scanning %5C(TLS%5C) technology. Due to the large diversity of plant species on wetlands and their small%5C-individual volumes%2C generating surfaces %5C(applicable to crops%5C) or 3D shapes %5C(applicable to trees%5C) does not seem to be an appropriate solution in this case. It was recognized that for the implementation of the objective pursued%2C the best characteristics of the LiDAR%5C-derived point cloud is the density of the points in a given volume. Validation measurements were taken for volumes%2C whose projection on the ground is a square 1%C3%971 m. An algorithm of weighting the number of points was proposed that takes into account the distance from the ground%5C-based scanner and other scanning parameters. The results were referred to the actual weight of the dry biomass%2C acquired by the classical invasive method %5C(cutting%2C drying%2C weighing%5C). Under certain assumptions%2C the results of this study proved to be very promising %E2%80%93 the coefficient of determination R2 for the linear function reached a maximum value of 0%2C97. However%2C more field data is needed for the implementation of the proposed method to the continuous monitoring system of the above%5C-ground biomass of non%5C-forest vegetation.%22]

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