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  • Data wydania/powstania Data związana z konkretnym wydarzeniem cyklu życia zasobu.
  • Dostęp
Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "In this paper an attempt is made to adapt data from the Global Forest Change project into an analysis of landscape coherence. A comparative analysis of selected landscape metrics for different ranges of values coming from the project was used. They were then compared with the results obtained from the use of CORINE Land Cover data, maps of woodland area and the Central Statistical Office of Poland \(GUS\) information. The analyses were performed within Mikołajki municipality, which is characterized by a diverse structure of woodland patches. The Global Forest Change data are very detailed. Each pixel \(approximately 19 m × 30 m\) is ascribed the percentage of trees, which are defined as all vegetation taller than 5 m. The use of these data for an analysis of coherence requires a precise definition of boundary parameters – the percentage of trees and the minimum size of the patch – that should possibly allow an unambiguous determination of individual patches. The proposed method determined a relationship between values of selected landscape metrics for Global Forest Change data stated for different limit values of a percentage of trees, and the minimum size of the patch and values of these metrics for the remaining data used. A limit value of tree cover for one pixel \(60%\) was stated on a test area, with a value of the degree of coherence measure \(Jaeger 2000\) corresponding to a value obtained with data coming from CORINE Land Cover and a map of the woodland areas. The results confirm high granularity of the Global Forest Change project data, and hence the possibility of using them to analyze the coherence of landscape on a local scale, in terms of the mobility of the forest fauna."]

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