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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "In rural areas, there is a wealth of historical resources of the cultural landscape which may determine the socio\-economic development of these areas. Given the explosive transformation of the modern countryside, there is an urgent need to find effective tools and methods to protect its cultural heritage. This protection cannot be limited to \"freezing\" historical forms\; it should involve proactive measures affecting the quality of the landscape and the functionality of those areas, which can significantly increase their development potential. The relevant landscape research was conducted in the Długa Goślina village in the Wielkopolska Province. After identifying resources of the village's cultural landscape and determining state of their behaviour and analysing planning documents, an attempt was made to identify the opportunities and the threats to the area’s development. The aim of the research was to identify activities within the framework of village renewal, as potential development scenarios, possibly also implemented in other settlement units. Długa Goślina has features typical of a Wielkopolska village\: the agricultural function limited to residential and service functions, which causes a deformation of the historical village pattern. But in terms of resources, its cultural landscape has a considerable diversity of values, which when properly interpreted and developed, can be an important basis of local development. For the village under study, preliminary conservation works were proposed. Once the public accepts these activities and effective implementation of them, it will be possible to prepare a scenario for the development of cultural tourism. Given the functioning of agricultural holdings and close market, optional or parallel development would be based on the concept of organic farming. It seems that the proposed development directions for Długa Goślina have a universal character and, when properly adapted to the local conditions prevailing in other settlements, can be used in village renewal projects in Wielkopolska."]

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