RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [References = "Radecki\-Pawlik, A., Wyżga, B., Czech, W., Mikuś, P., Zawiejska, J., \& Ruiz\-Villanueva, V. \(2016\). Modelling hydraulic parameters of flood flows for a Polish Carpathian river subjected to variable human impacts. In Kundzewicz Z., Stoffel M., Niedźwiedź T., Wyżga B. \(Eds.\), Flood Risk in the Upper Vistula Basin. GeoPlanet\: Earth and Planetary Sciences. Springer, Cham GeoPlanet\: Earth and Planetary Sciences \(pp. 127\-151\). Cham\: Springer. https\:\/\/\/10.1007\/978\-3\-319\-41923\-7_7"]

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Balogh, Márton Kiss, Tímea Fiala, Károly Fehérváry, István


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