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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ethnography] OR [Subject and Keywords = material culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = social culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = family] OR [Subject and Keywords = social bonds] OR [Subject and Keywords = child] OR [Subject and Keywords = childhood] OR [Subject and Keywords = intergenerational bonds] OR [Subject and Keywords = woman's emancipation] OR [Subject and Keywords = upbringing] OR [Subject and Keywords = clothing] OR [Subject and Keywords = fashion] OR [Subject and Keywords = Żakowice, Koluszki commune \(Poland\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = etnografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura materialna] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura społeczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = rodzina] OR [Subject and Keywords = więzi społeczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = dziecko] OR [Subject and Keywords = dzieciństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = więzi międzypokoleniowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = emancypacja kobiet] OR [Subject and Keywords = wychowanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = odzież] OR [Subject and Keywords = moda] OR [Subject and Keywords = Żakowice, gm. Koluszki \(Polska\)] OR [Title = \[A multigenerational family\] \[An iconographic document\]] OR [Title = \[Rodzinna wielopokoleniowa przed domem\] \[Dokument ikonograficzny\]]

Number of results: 13

Items per page:

Pelisiak, Andrzej Urem-Kotsou, Dushka Dębiec, Maciej Matsas, Dimitris Chrysafakoglou, Periklis


Skóra, Kalina Strzyż, Piotr Szymczak, Jan


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