Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Bibliografia = %22Bobrowski%2C P. 2009a. The exploitation of local sources of flint on the Polish Plain during the Final Palaeolithic. In M. Street%2C N. Barton and T. Terberger %5C(eds%5C)%2C Humans%2C Environment and Chronology of the Late Glacial of North European Plain. Proceedings of Workshop 14 %5C(Commission XXXII%5C) of the 15%E2%80%93th. U.I.S.P.P Congress%2C Lisbon%2C September 2006%2C Mainz%2C R%C3%B6misch Germanisches Zentralmuseum%2C 141%E2%80%93153%22]

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