Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = %22Photography %5C(scan from a slide%5C). In the picture stones post mortem %5C(paliya%5C) set %5C- to commemorate a particular person died suddenly %5C- often along the road or on the border villages or towns. They are made of stone%2C on which are engraved symbols identifying the person and the signature in the local language %5C(Gujarati here%5C). There are some symbols %5C(rider on a horse or a camel%2C a shrine%2C a female figure%2C hands raised up%5C). Hand raised up points to the tragic death of a woman. At the top are round shapes represent the sun and the moon. The custom of placing memorial stones is known all over the Indian subcontinent%22]

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