Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the processual nature of the formation of ethnic boundaries. In reference to Fredrik Barth%E2%80%99s concept of the social organization of difference%2C the author examines three case studies %5C(southern Siberia%2C Mongolia and Inner Mongolia %E2%80%93 China%5C) and shows how ethnic boundaries are interacting and being reshaped within such diverse fields as%5C: nationalism%2C identity%2C kinship%2C space and landscape. The example of southern Siberia shows how the collapse of the Soviet Union has resulted in %E2%80%9Cclosing%E2%80%9D the ancestral affiliations of Altaians%2C Tuvinians and Khakass within the administrative boundaries of the autonomous republics. In Mongolia%2C differences within one national group are constructed politically%2C ideologically and discursively as a result of political transformations. In Inner Mongolia%2C social differences at the ethnic level can be understood as consequences of diverse perceptions on the landscape and %E2%80%9Cseparated%E2%80%9D participation in space by the Mongols and Han Chinese%22]

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