Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22The paper deals with the issue of celebrating non%5C-everyday or special days during the winter season. The institutional efforts were determined by enforcing the contents and forms that are interesting to the city%E2%80%99s residents and visitors. However important it is to keep national traditions%2C efforts are made to modernize and innovate in the terms of globalization. The paper focuses on the following questions%5C: Is the celebrating in winter determined by the omnipresent cultural diversity%5C%3F What holidays %5C(according to the Holidays Actadmitted by National Council of the Slovak Republic in 1993%5C) do the inhabitants celebrate in the public area%5C%3F What holidays are celebrated entirely in the households%5C%3F%22]

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