Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22The article presents the Late Bronze Age flint assemblage from Hammerstadt 06 %5C(HAS%5C-06%5C) %E2%80%93 site situated in an open%5C-pit mine Reichwalde %5C(Tagebau Reichwalde%5C) in Saxony%2C Germany. The material constitutes a good basis for comparison with Hallstatt flint assemblages known from Poland so it was compared with a little smaller collection from the remains of a stronghold from Lusatian culture in Wicina in Poland%2C situated ca. 40 km to the north%5C-east from Reichwalde. Both sites are placed into a broader context of European Late Bronze Age flint knapping phenomenon%22]

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