Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22Excavations of the early medieval stronghold at Milicz in Lower Silesia revealed%2C in a layer of burning dated from the end of the 10th to the mid 11th c.%2C an extensive group of luxury items associated with ethnically foreign elites of the Piast state. Of particular interest is a set of objects made of non%5C-ferrous metals%2C including gilded silver artifacts combining heart%5C-shaped and palmette motifs in the decoration. The fittings must have decorated an ornamental belt%2C horse harness or bag. The assortment and execution of objects from this set%2C which is of considerable value from a Lower Silesian perspective%2C can be referred to artifacts known from the great centers of the Piast domain%2C such as Gniezno and Lednica%5C%3B it thus highlights the position held by Milicz and its importance in the contemporary state%22]

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