Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = %22Contacts between Czech and Polish archaeologists started to develop at the beginning of 19th century%2C especially with the part of Poland ruled by Austrian %5C(later Austro%5C-Hungarian%5C) empire. An outstanding representant of these%2C then relatively scanty relations was Izydor Kopernicki%2C professor of Anthropology in Cracow%2C who co%5C-operated with several Czech archaeologists by processing human skulls from their excavations. He also participated in the Anthropological%5C%2Farchaeological section of the Second Congress of Czech Naturalists and Doctors %5C(Prague%2C May 1882%5C) and published his contribution in the major Czech archaeological journal. His closest friend in Bohemia was Kliment %C4%8Cerm%C3%A1k%2C regional archaeologist and founder of Czech museology%2C who included Kopernicki within one of his%2C then popular %E2%80%98archaeological short stories%E2%80%99 for young readers%22]

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