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Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "The article is an attempt at determining the place and the role of aesthetics in ethnology and an attempt at describing the aesthetic of urban space at Christmas time. The city is treated here as a friendly and close space. Describing the analogy between the city space and the home space, the author is considering the meaning and functions of these aesthetics with particular reference to the role of light and decorations. Considering cultural conditioning of aesthetic evaluations, it is possible to state that it is aesthetics of emotions. Reflections presented in the article result from the observation and the comparison of two cities\: Bielsko\-Biała in Silesia and Wejherowo in Pomerania. This comparison makes it possible to show that signs and symbols of cultural identity are present in these aesthetics"]

Wyników: 1

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