Projekty RCIN i OZwRCIN

Szukana fraza: [Opis = "The photo depicts a young man standing in front of a house with a hunted deer and a young woman with two little children. The man is dressed in a jacket and a hat with a gun hanging on his shoulder. He is holding the hunted deer by antlers. A woman, neatly dressed, stands on the side. The older girl is leaning on a bicycle. The younger girl is staring at the hunted animal. The entire scene takes place before the entrance to a country house. According to the owner of the photo it was taken in 1946 in the village Mąkoszyce, Opole voivodeship. It shows her aunt Apolonia \(…\) with her husband Wojciech \[Voytek\] and daughters Adela \[Adele\] \(with the bike\) and tiny three year old Zosia \[Sophie\]. The photo was taken on their farm, right after settling. There is an inscription on the back of the photo\: “Dear sister, I am sending you my photo so that you can see how I look on the new farm. Apolonia \(…\)”\; 1946, Mąkoszyce Village, Opole voivodeship"]

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