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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Jerzy Kondracki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Emmanuel de Martonne] OR [Subject and Keywords = physico\-geographical regionalization] OR [Subject and Keywords = theory of geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = postglacial landscape] OR [Subject and Keywords = urban geography] OR [Subject and Keywords = water economy] OR [Subject and Keywords = atmospheric turbidity] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warsaw] OR [Subject and Keywords = Romania] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lithuania] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hungary] OR [Subject and Keywords = Yugoslavia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jerzy Kondracki] OR [Subject and Keywords = Emmanuel de Martonne] OR [Subject and Keywords = teoria geografii] OR [Subject and Keywords = regionalizacje fizycznogeograficzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = krajobrazy polodowcowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = geografia miast] OR [Subject and Keywords = pradoliny] OR [Subject and Keywords = gospodarka wodna] OR [Subject and Keywords = zmętnienie atmosfery] OR [Subject and Keywords = Warszawa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pradolina Toruńsko\-Eberswaldzka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rumunia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Węgry] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jugosławia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Litwa] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 40 z. 4 \(1968\)] OR [Title = Przegląd Geograficzny T. 40 z. 4 \(1968\)]

Number of results: 711

Items per page:

Pflügl (18..-19..). Redaktor Blaschke


Zosel, W. Redaktor Hesse, H. Redaktor Schiffmann, P. Redaktor Löber, Alfred (18..-19..). Redaktor Kaiserlich-Königliches Militär-Geographisches Institut (Wiedeń). Instytucja sprawcza Wydawca


Istituto geografico militare. Wydawca


Bátky, Zsigmond (1874–1939) Kogutowicz, Károly (1886–1948) Teleki, Pál (1879–1941)


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