RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = local resources] OR [Subject and Keywords = economic success] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rogóźno] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polityka rolna \-\- Polska \-\- 1990\- \-\- czasopisma \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wsie \-\- czasopisma \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Wsie \-\- Polska \-\- 1990\- \-\- czasopisma \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = zasoby lokalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = sukces gospodarczy] OR [Subject and Keywords = Rogóźno] OR [Title = Środowiskowe zasoby lokalne czynnikiem potencjalnego sukcesu gospodarczego rejonu wsi Rogóźno \(powiat zgierski\) = Environmental local resources as a factor of potential economic success in Rogóźno \(the Zgierz county\)] OR [Creator = Górecki, Michał]

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