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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = historical atlases] OR [Subject and Keywords = economic atlases] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = 19th century] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bitwy \-\- Polska \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska \-\- 19 w. \-\- mapy \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska \-\- geografia historyczna \-\- mapy \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = Atlasy historyczne \-\- 19 w. \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = atlasy historyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = atlasy gospodarcze] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = 19 w.] OR [Title = Atlas historique, politique et statistique de la Pologne ancienne et moderne indiquant ses divers démembremens et partages \: dédiée à Joachiom Lelewel] OR [Title = Atlas historique, politique et statistique de la Pologne ancienne et moderne indiquant ses divers démembremens et partages \: dédiée à Joachiom Lelewel] OR [Creator = Dufour, Auguste\-Henri \(1798–1865\)] OR [Creator = Chodźko, Leonard \(1800–1871\)] OR [Creator = Flahaut. Ryt.] OR [Creator = Hacq, J. M. Rys.] OR [Creator = Dufour, Auguste\-Henri \(1798–1865\)] OR [Creator = Chodźko, Leonard \(1800–1871\)] OR [Creator = Flahaut. Ryt.] OR [Creator = Hacq, J. M. Rys.]

Number of results: 5 349

Items per page:

Wrotnowski, Feliks (1803-1871). Rys.Dufour, Auguste-Henri (1798-1865). Rys. Dufour, Auguste-Henri (1798–1865)


Dufour, Auguste-Henri (1798–1865) Wrotnowski, Feliks (1803–1871)


Droysen, Gustav (1838–1908) Andree, Richard (1835–1912) Geographische Anstalt von Velhagen und Klasing (Lipsk)


Nałęcz-Korzeniowska, Maria Regina (1793–1874) Lelewel, Joachim (1786–1861) Gałęzowski, Antoni ( –1830) Dayczer, Karol Szymon


Colbeck, Charles Weller, Edward ( –1884) Pearson Longman


Spruner, Karl von (1803–1892) Perthes, Johan Georg Justus (1749–1816) Menke, Theodor (1819–1892)


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