RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Title = %22Przemiany %C5%9Brodowiska przyrodniczego Karpat i Kotlin Podkarpackich %5C: sesja naukowa w 40%5C-lecie Zak%C5%82adu Geomorfologii i Hydrologii G%C3%B3r i Wy%C5%BCyn IGiPZ PAN%2C Krak%C3%B3w%2C 8%5C-9 grudnia 1993 %3D Environmental changes of the Carpathians and Subcarpathian basins %5C: session organized at 40th anniversary of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGiPZ PAN%2C Krak%C3%B3w%2C 8%5C-9 December 1993%22]

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