Theuer, Oscar Cremer, Wilhelm (1874–1932)
Birkenmajer, Ludwik Antoni (1855–1929)
Löwenberg, Julius (1800–1893) Otto Spamer
Philip, George (1870–1937) George Philip and Son.
Sapieha, Aleksander Antoni (1773–1812)
Jerczyński, Marek (1941– ) Śleszyński, Przemysław
Hoffman, Karol (1855–1937) Gebethner i Wolff. Wydawca
Prescott, William Hickling (1796–1859) Eberty, Julius Herrmann (1784–1856)
Koropčevskij, Dmitrij Andreevič (1842–1903)
Cooley, William Desborough ( –1883) Lardner, Dionysius (1793–1859) Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green. Wydawca
Kohl, Johann Georg (1808–1878)
Hassan, Vita Baruck, Elie M Moritz, Bernhard (1859–1939) Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Wydawca
Benson, Edward Frederic (1867–1940) John Lane and Elkin Mathews - The Bodley Head. Wydawca
März, Johannes (1878– ) Otto Spamer
Purves, David Laing (1838–1873) Drake, Francis (1540–1596) Dampier, William (1652–1715)
Rein, Johannes Justus (1835–1918) Wilhelm Engelmann