RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [References = %2218. Jak%C3%B3bczyk%5C-Gryszkiewicz J.%2C 2009. Tendencje przestrzenne w kszta%C5%82towaniu cen ziemi w Polsce po 1990 roku%2C %C5%81%C3%B3d%C5%BA%5C: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu %C5%81%C3%B3dzkiego.24. Leetmaa K.%2C Tammaru T.%2C 2007. Suburbanization in countries in transition%5C: Destinations of suburbanizers in the Tallin Metropolitan Area. Geografiska Annaler%5C: Series B. Human Geography%2C vol. 89%2C no.%2C 2%2C pp. 127%5C-146.%22]

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