RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = %22Village renewal is one of the basic tools for supporting the socio%5C-economic development of rural areas in Poland. This article is an attempt to compare%2C on the example of the Ma%C5%82opolskie Voivodeship%2C two different sources of funding projects directly supporting the renewal process %E2%80%93 programmes co%5C-financed by the European funds and the Dzia%C5%82aj Lokalnie %5C(Act Locally%5C) Programme. In both cases%2C particular attention was paid to the role and activity of various local entities in the process of village renewal. The analysis of completed projects and their beneficiaries indicates complementarity of the two rural development support instruments. Village renewal projects financed from the European Union budget%2C implemented mainly by public sector entities%2C primarily include infrastructure investments. On the other hand%2C within the Act Locally Programme there are supported soft activities%2C targeted%2C among others at building and strengthening local identity%2C undertaken by entities representing the social sector. Combining both sources of financing and the efforts of various local actors may be a response to searching for comprehensive solutions leading to multidimensional village renewal. %5C-%22]

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