RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = %22The main objective of the article is to present the level of realization%2C spatial differentiation and the effects of the %E2%80%9CVillage renewal and development%E2%80%9D measure implemented through the Rural Development Program 2007%E2%80%932013 %5C(RDP%5C). The scale of resources involved in the implementation of the program implies that it was one of the strongest impacting instruments in the field of improving the quality of rural life. In addition%2C this activity was an impulse activating endogenous potential of individual territorial units%2C including stimulation of local communities. In order to fully identify the significance and scale of the rural renewal program%2C the analysis was carried out at various spatial scales%2C i.e. national and regional %5C(on the example of the Kujawsko%5C-Pomorskie Voivodship%5C) and local %5C- examples of investments in selected municipalities%5C%2Ftowns. The analysis involved indicators characterizing selected elements of social capital for the purpose of assessing the level of funds absorption and activity of residents in applying for funds within the village renewal program.%22]

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