RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = "The paper concerns the new classification of landscapes carried out with regard to the level of landscape anthropogenic transformation and the intensity of landscape use. The paper presents the classification system and the results of its implementation in the Polesie National Park nature conservation plan. The European Landscape Convention obliges the Council of Europe member states to maintain or establish landscape quality features expected by the public, that is, to develop specific landscape quality indicators. One of the consequences of this provision is the need to identify and classify landscapes occurring on the territory of particular countries, analyse their characteristic features and identify the set of landscape quality indicators expected by the public in particular regions. The level of anthropogenic landscape transformation and the harmonization of landscape use constitute one group of such indicators. In the evaluation process of Polish landscapes, with respect to the level of their anthropogenic transformation, landscapes were divided into 3 types\: natural, natural\-cultural and cultural landscapes. Within each of them 4 subtypes were distinguished, in relation to the intensity of landscape resources use by the society and the resulting processes of degradation, balance \(harmony\), regeneration, or restoration of landscape systems. As a result, a 12\-degre valuation scale was developed. Applying the scale to particular spatial landscape units makes it possible to create a map of anthropogenic landscape transformation level and the degree of landscape use harmonization \(balance\) in the investigated area."]

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