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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Ivanovskij, Lev Konstantinovič \(1845\-1892 \; archaeologist\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Middle Ages \-\- Russia] OR [Subject and Keywords = reports of archaeological works \-\- Russia] OR [Subject and Keywords = medieval barrow cemeteries \-\- Russia] OR [Subject and Keywords = medieval barrows \-\- catalogue] OR [Subject and Keywords = medieval funeral rite] OR [Subject and Keywords = medieval grave goods] OR [Subject and Keywords = material culture of the Middle Ages] OR [Subject and Keywords = review of archaeological finds] OR [Subject and Keywords = St. Petersburg\-region \(Russia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ivanovskij, Lev Konstantinovič \(1845\-1892 \; archeolog\) \[KABA\]] OR [Subject and Keywords = średniowiecze \-\- Rosja] OR [Subject and Keywords = sprawozdania z badań archeologicznych \-\- Rosja] OR [Subject and Keywords = cmentarzyska kurhanowe średniowieczne \-\- Rosja] OR [Subject and Keywords = kurhany średniowieczne \-\- katalog] OR [Subject and Keywords = obrządek pogrzebowy średniowiecza] OR [Subject and Keywords = wyposażenie kurhanów średniowiecznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura materialna średniowiecza] OR [Subject and Keywords = przegląd znalezisk archeologicznych] OR [Subject and Keywords = St. Petersburg\-region \(Rosja\)] OR [Title = Kurgany S.\-Peterburgskoj gubernii v raskopkach L. K. Ivanovskago] OR [Title = Kurgany S.\-Peterburgskoj gubernii v raskopkach L. K. Ivanovskago] OR [Creator = Spicyn, Aleksandr Andreevič \(1858–1931\)] OR [Creator = Spicyn, Aleksandr Andreevič \(1858–1931\)]

Number of results: 282

Items per page:

Nadolski, Andrzej (1921–1993)


Strasser, Karl Theodor (1888–1936)


Kurnatowska, Zofia (1932– )


Kurnatowska, Zofia (1936– )


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