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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Poland] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pomerania] OR [Subject and Keywords = Świelubie] OR [Subject and Keywords = early medieval period] OR [Subject and Keywords = cemeteries] OR [Subject and Keywords = Scandinavian material culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = history of archaeology] OR [Subject and Keywords = Polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pomorze] OR [Subject and Keywords = Świelubie] OR [Subject and Keywords = wczesne średniowiecze] OR [Subject and Keywords = cmentarzyska] OR [Subject and Keywords = skandynawska kultura materialna] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia archeologii] OR [Title = Skandynawowie nad Parsętą, czyli przyczynek do dziejów polskiej archeologii w 2 połowie XX w. Glosa polemiczna do artykułu Władysława Duczko] OR [Creator = Rębkowski, Marian] OR [Creator = Kara, Michał]

Number of results: 59

Items per page:

Sudoł-Procyk, Magdalena Malak, Magdalena Binnebesel, Hubert Krajcarz, Maciej T.


Janowski, Andrzej Sojka, Krzysztof Włodarczak, Ewa


Rauba-Bukowska, Anna Nowak, Maciej Jacek Jużwińska, Gabriela Moskal-del Hoyo, Magdalena


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