RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Abstract = %22The Author considers the chronological issues of the enigmatic%2C pre%5C-historic sculptures made of local granite from %C5%9Al%C4%99%C5%BCa Massif and its nearness. He calls into question if they are dated at Hallstatt period. He also suggests that the statues of human figures %5C(especially %E2%80%9Cthe mushroom%E2%80%9D and %E2%80%9Cthe girl with fish%E2%80%9D%5C) could be connected with sculptures from Celtic lands dated at 6th%5C-4th century B.C. He postulates the possibility of existence on %C5%9Al%C4%99%C5%BCa the Celtic nemeton in 4th%5C-3rd century B.C.%2C while the adjoining territory was settled by Celts. It is likely that two stone statues of bears %5C(%5C%3F%5C) which resembled the bulls and pigs sculptures known from central part of Pyrenean Peninsula%2C are dated at the same period%22]

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