RCIN and OZwRCIN projects

Search for: [Subject and Keywords = functional regions] OR [Subject and Keywords = EU cohesion policy] OR [Subject and Keywords = regional policy in Hungary] OR [Subject and Keywords = planning and management structures] OR [Subject and Keywords = Budapest Agglomeration] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lake Balaton Resort Area] OR [Subject and Keywords = regiony funkcjonalne] OR [Subject and Keywords = polityka spójności Unii Europejskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = polityka regionalna na Węgrzech] OR [Subject and Keywords = struktury planowania i zarządzania] OR [Subject and Keywords = aglomeracja Budapesztu] OR [Subject and Keywords = obszar uzdrowiskowy Balatonu] OR [Title = Planning and development activities in functional regions – the Hungarian case] OR [Creator = Perger, Éva]

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