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Title: Typy źródeł i ich rozmieszczenie na Babiej Górze (Zachodnie Karpaty) = Types of springs and their location on Mount Babia Góra (Western Carpathians)


Łajczak, Adam

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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 89 z. 1 (2017)



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Hydrographical mapping carried out by the Author provided for a quantitative evaluation of the distribution of different types of springs located on the homoclinal ridge of Mount Babia Góra – at 1725 m a.s.l., the highest mountain in the Western Carpathians (Fig. 1), built of flysch sediment. Circulation of groundwater on ridge slopes modelled in different ways by landslides was analysed, with particular attention paid to the circulation of water in the deeply-fissured Magura Sandstone that forms the upper part of the massif, as well s the thick cover of colluvia (Figs. 2 and 3). The depth and distance of water circulation on different parts of the slopes were evaluated in relation to altitude, slope exposure, type of flysch rock and landslide topography. Six types of water-bearing sediment were distinguished, and their limits of occurrence identified. Magura Sandstone appeared to be the most water-retaining sediment, proving permeable down to depths of 100 m locally. Three classifications of springs were carried out, in line with geomorphological location (direction of groundwater inflow and means of circulation), type of water-bearing sediment, and local-scale distribution(in connection with landslide forms). Among the 873 springs located in the Polish part of Mt. Babia Góra, over 80% are slope located and can be regarded as descending springs. These include: rock springs (a), rock-debris springs (b), debris springs (c), and rock-mantle springs (d). Other springs occur on valley floors (e) and are also mostly of the descending type, though a few are ascending (mineral and thermal). Most springs are alimented by water flowing out from thick covers of colluvia. Within this group it proved possible to distinguish three subtypes of spring (b2, b3, b4 ) located in different segments of landslides (Fig. 4). Other divisions of springs were into single springs, lines of springs and series of springs (Fig. 5). The number of springs on the slopes of Mt. Babia Góra is similar to the number located at the foot of the mountain comprising lateral ridges and valley floors. Along a profile of altitude, the largest numbers of springs can be seen to be located at the heads of valleys, where the density on the northern slope exceeds 30 per. km-2 (Fig. 6). The density of springs on the southern slope in valleys located at high altitude is even greater. The determined distribution of springs down the altitudinal profile of Mt. Babia Góra allowed for delimitation of three hydrographical belts - of water alimentation, transit and accumulation, which are different from the hydrographical belts noted in the Western Beskidy and Tatra Mountains. The distribution of springs on Mount Babia Góra and their unusually high density are determined first and foremost by the landslide morphology of slopes.


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