Scale 1:250 000 ; 1 map : color ; 93x59 cm, on sheet 103x65 cm ; Reproduced and printed by No. I Base Survey Draving and Photo Process Office, Apr. 1946, from negatives supplied by Survey of Palestine. Roads revised to Jan. 1946. reprinted by 512 Fd Survey Cay R E dec 1946 ; Tail margin: M.D.R. 1509/12460 15,000/12/46 ; Map No. 200.2-X United Nations, UN presentation 1224.2-X, May 1949 ; Head margin: S/1302/Rev. 1 Annex I, Map 1, Part 2
CBGiOŚ. IGiPZ PAN, call no. D.3027/2 ; click here to follow the link
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Jul 12, 2021
Dec 20, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Palestine - south sheet (layered), 1949 | Jul 12, 2021 |
London Geographical Institute. Instytucja sprawcza George Philip and Son. Wydawca
George Philip and Son. Wydawca Stanford, Edward
London Geographical Institute. Redaktor Stanford, Edward George Philip and Son. Wydawca
Wielka Brytania. Ordnance Survey. Redaktor Wielka Brytania. War Office. Wydawca
Gea Landkarten Verlag. Wydawca Berliner Lithographisches Institut. Drukarz
Palestyna (1917-1948 ; mandat brytyjski). Survey of Palestine. Redaktor