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Studia Obszarów Wiejskich = Rural Studies, t. 44
Biegańska, Jadwiga
Grzelak-Kostulska, Elżbieta
Dymitrow, Mirek
Chodkowska-Miszczuk, Justyna
Środa-Murawska, Stefania
Rogatka, Krzysztof
former State Agricultural Farm estates ; youth ; human resources ; rural areas ; development
Abstract:This paper aims to reflect upon the future direction of development in former PGR (State Agricultural Farms) estates in Poland. Using the post-PGR estate of Chotel (central Poland) as a case study, the authors analyzed and evaluated the potential of the local youth as human resources for future development. It was assumed that the youth, as a social category, will in the nearest future influence the structure of human resources, which in turn will determine both the pace and the direction of change in rural areas. Given that post-PGR estates are considered some of the most problematic settlement forms with respect to rural planning, and given that their adult residents are known to exhibit loose social bonds, intensified enmity and lack of initiative for co-operation, a number of important questions arise. Firstly, what are the specific human resources of the youth in post-PGR estates? Secondly, how do these resources differ from those of their parents? Thirdly, do these resources give hope for future melioration of socio-economic problems inherent of post-PGR estates? The conducted analysis is prognosticating – a quality, which otherwise is extremely difficult to obtain in the context of the studied estates. The paper concludes that with regard to developmental threats in post-PGR estates the attitudes of the youth and the adults are similar. However, considering developmental opportunities the differences are more pronounced, in favor of the youth.
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