Lempa, Michał ; Kaczka, Ryszard J. ; Rączkowska, Zofia ; Janecka, Karolina
Geographia Polonica Vol. 89 No. 1 (2016)
The snow avalanche is one of the major processes that shapes the landscape of high mountains. A significant manifestation of its activity is changing the course of the timberline, whose course and growth disturbances constitute a good source of information about the history of avalanche activity. The aim of this study was to: i) detail the temporal and spatial reconstruction of snow avalanche events within the three surveyed couloirs in the Rybi Potok Valley, in the High Tatras, ii) analyse of the relationship between the relief of the runout zone and the course of the avalanches. Dendrogeomorphological, geomorphological and cartographic methods were employed here. Detailed geomorphological maps comprising the runout zone were prepared and use to divide the runout zone into subzones of similar relief. The dendrogeomorphological reconstructions of avalanche events were carried out on two scales, i.e. for the entire runout zone and for the determined subzones. The courses of major avalanche events in the studied couloirs over the past 100 years were reconstructed. A detailed dendrogeomorphological analysis in the subzones allowed the identification of additional local avalanche events whose extent had not covered the entire avalanche path.
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Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences
European Union. European Regional Development Fund ; Programme Innovative Economy, 2010-2014, Priority Axis 2. R&D infrastructure
Mar 25, 2021
Mar 29, 2016
Kaczka, Ryszard J. Lempa, Michał Czajka, Barbara Janecka, Karolina Rączkowska, Zofia Hreško, Juraj Bugar, Gabriel
Spyt, Barbara Kaczka, Ryszard J. Lempa, Michał Rączkowska, Zofia
Gądek, Bogdan Grabiec, Mariusz Rączkowska, Zofia Maciata, Andrzej
Czajka, Barbara Łajczak, Adam Kaczka, Ryszard J.
Boltižiar, Martin Biskupič, Marek Barka, Ivan
Kędzia, Stanisław
Bytomski, Tomasz
Kotarba, Adam (1938– ) Kłapa, Mieczysław Rączkowska, Zofia (1953– )