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Title: Perspectives on internationalism in Geography


Meadows, Michael E. : Autor Affiliation Affiliation Affiliation ORCID

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Geographia Polonica Vol. 93 No. 4 (2020)



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International collaboration in science in general continues to grow and the discipline of Geography is increasingly becoming internationalized. Although there are many benefits to internationalism and, indeed, it is essential if we are to address major global challenges, there is debate as to whether or not existing power relations contribute to cementing unevenness and inequity among the global community of geographers. This is reflected in academic publication practices which clearly advantage particular communities over others. In this essay, I offer some thoughts on the nature of internationalism and its influence on representation in the global geographical community. Important constraints to greater inclusivity are highlighted and the role of the International Geographical Union in potentially offsetting some of the apparent inequities is discussed. The paper concludes with some thoughts as to what is needed if internationalism is to help reduce rather than accentuate such imbalances.


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Central Library of Geography and Environmental Protection. Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAS

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